CONDIS Supermarkets
Type: Cold rooms
Sector: Industrial IoT, Retail
CONDIS is a supermarket chain based in Montcada i Reixach (Barcelona), with more than 320 stores just in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. It also has stores in other regions of Spain, including Madrid and its surroundings, Toledo, Cuenca and Guadalajara.
The Results
Daily automated
System tests
Operational efficiencies
and temperature
Real time monitoring
Improve maintenance
The Results
Daily automated
System tests
Operational efficiencies
and temperature
Real time monitoring
Improve maintenance
The Challenge
The supermarket chain needed to control, in a reliably way, that its industrial refrigeration machines were operating correctly. At the same time the solution had to allow to manually testing the level of refrigerant on the gas circuit when required, from the platform itself. In this way they could act quickly in response to an alarm that the system itself should be capable of generating.
In order to meet the project requirements, a RTU (Remote Transmission Unit) was installed with MODBUS TCP communication capabilities that allowed us to retrieve data from the industrial refrigeration machine PLC and to send orders asynchronously.
The Smart Data System owned SentiloProxy, was installed on the communication module to enable the system to send collected data to the platform and receive commands in return.